Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Professional Storyteller performs kid-friendly tale: Burger King

On October 16, 2010, professional storyteller Debbie Dunn performed ghost stories around the campfire at Yeomen’s in the Fork on the outskirts of Franklin, Tennessee. Watch the 3-minute video on YouTube.

This is how the owners describe this antiquities bookstore: “Yeoman’s in the Fork is a rare book and document gallery located in historic Leiper’s Fork, TN. Yeoman’s has a wide variety of rare books, documents, maps, and ephemera. Yeoman’s in the Fork shares the collector’s passion, along with helping educate those new to collecting rare books and documents.”

Prior to intermission, Debbie told a few kid-friendly ghost and spooky stories appropriate for the whole family. After intermission, Debbie performed “The Bell Witch Unveiled” based on her book entitled “The Bell Witch Unveiled At Last! The True Story Of A Poltergeist” written under her pen name of DJ Lyons. She signed autographs during intermission and after the final performance.

Please enjoy a fun audience-participation tale called “Burger King.” It was taught to her by Chris Lindgren, a Canadian storyteller. Chris learned the story from a 12-year-old boy. He’s the one who wrote it.

YouTube video: Burger King
Description: Watch master storyteller Debbie Dunn reenact this kid-friendly story “Burger King” from our Ghost Stories & The Bell Witch Unveiled event.

For more information about this bookstore, please visit Yeoman’s in the Fork at

Yeoman’s in the Fork, 4216 Old Hillsboro Rd, Franklin, TN 37064

For other stories performed by Debbie Dunn, please click on the following links:
* Jack and the King’s Girl by Richard Chase
* Rainbow Crow by Nancy Van Laan
* Jack and the Bull re-told by Debbie Dunn
* Mouse Mother by Opalanga Pugh
* Parable of the Eagle told by Storyteller Debbie Dunn
* Ned and Nan Kick Their CAN’Ts Away re-told by Debbie Dunn
* Part 1 of 2 – Grandmother Frog’s Magic Bully Buster Song
* Part 2 of 2 – Grandmother Frog’s Magic Bully Buster Song
* Video – The Wild Boar
* Video – Six Blind Men and the Elephant re-told by Debbie Dunn

Sneak Preview of “The Bell Witch Unveiled”:
Bell Witch Movie with Talk Bubbles that Pop by DJ Lyons

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